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How to be successful

If you want to be successful like those people you always looked up to, admired from afar, or wished were closer to you so you could ask them how they became successful… all you have to do is set a goal and work hard towards it every single day.

When you feel discouraged, you must remember that achieving success is not easy. Outsiders may look at your life and think it’s perfect, but I know how hard life can be. The truth is: If you want to be successful, you need to put in the time and effort.

I’ve read many books on the topic and how to stay positive and focused while working hard. Each day is a challenge, and things don’t come easy, but with a few tips on managing my daily tasks, I have overcome my inner saboteur telling me, “ you can’t do this, or you’re not good enough…. “I now say, “Point noted, “but who” cares”, and I continue.

Here are some of the most inspiring tips and success quotes that I try to take into my life.

You’ll be more powerful the more you know — so dive into your field and expand your knowledge to level up! Check out other industries so you can learn from their successes too.

Every morning, I start my day by reading an article, listening to a podcast, or watching a video related to my industry. This gets my brain juices flowing and leaves me with an inspired mindset to start my day.

With apps like “Evernote”, I save all my ideas, notes, and projects in one place. This way, I know that the inspirations I’ve collected over time are secured, and if nothing else, I have been able to keep my thoughts stored and available until I can find out what to do with them.

This is pretty much how our minds work too. It’s like an information filing system that stores all the data we get, informing our understanding of things — and with that understanding, it gives us tremendous power to make decisions that will affect everything we’re doing.

Start your day with a positive vibe.

Motivation is what keeps us going. It pushes us to do difficult things and helps us overcome challenges. Motivation also provides a sense of accomplishment when we complete tasks, and it makes us feel good about ourselves.

But motivation isn’t always easy to come by, especially in the morning when we’re groggy and tired. We need something that will wake up our minds and boost our energy to start the day with a small, meaningful win.

That’s where this list of 10 simple ways to start your day comes in handy! These are all things you can do in the morning that will give you the positive booster to feel happy throughout the day!

  1. Put on your favourite mood-boosting music

2. Open your window and take a couple of deep breaths

3. Stretch

5. Drink a glass of water

6. Have a cup of coffee

7. Read a few pages of your favourite motivational book.

8. Write down your 3 most important tasks for the day

9. Have a workout — run — walk

10. Eat breakfast

Write a journal daily, don’t just do it in your head.

Many people use their journals to keep track of the events that happen to them and as a means of venting. But there are plenty of things you can do with your journal and see instant results in your life. Use it to write about what you want your life to be like, create goals and deadlines for yourself, or generate gratitude lists for all the things you’re thankful for. If you are anything like me, you’ve got a lot of thoughts on your mind. Placing them onto paper is often the best way to get it out & face it head-on. Seeing them written down gives them more weight, whether they’re just an idea or something more significant. Journaling has a massive impact on your mental health and can strengthen your outlook on life.

To be successful and happy means to be physically and mentally healthy.

Physical and mental wellness is an integral part of life. A strong body holds up a strong mind. This means that by exercising daily, you are not only boosting your physical health but also your mental wellbeing.

The best way to stay physically fit is to work out at least three times a week, doing both cardio exercises and weight training. For example, try running for 30 minutes or cycling for 20 minutes on a stationary bike at the gym or outside. The key is to challenge yourself and push yourself past your limits so that you can see progress in both your physical fitness and mental well-being.

Don’t be fearful.

Fear is one of the most common and destructive emotions. It can be fear of failure, fear of being blamed, fear of accountability and so on.

Fear is universal and something we all experience in our lives. Fear can be a motivational factor, but it can also be a barrier to success. “Never give up because of fear!” We’ve all experienced fear one way or another, but it’s important to remember to try and overcome this feeling and embrace the challenge. Once you manage to beat your fear, your feeling of success can provide an incentive for future challenges.

Unplug from your devices and refresh your mind and body.

“Getting some time away from the digital world is necessary for our mental health. Take a late-night walk before going to bed to reflect on your day and prepare for what’s to come tomorrow.”

We use our phones and personal computers on a daily basis for work, communication, reading, writing, and even watching TV. I have become so reliant on it that when I am not near my phone, I feel like something is missing. It has become a part of me, and I do not know how to put it down.

But what if we unplug from the digital world without our devices? What would we do? How would we live?

We might find that we are more creative and more productive with our time away from the digital world. We might also find that spending time away from the computer or phone helps us be more present in our lives and with those around us.”

Never give up!

We are all on a journey in life. Some of us are more successful than others, but we all have our own battles to fight and obstacles to overcome. If something doesn’t turn out the way we envisioned it, perhaps it’s time to look at it from a different angle and use a different approach. Remember, a slight variation in the hue of the colour green, a shade darker or brighter, or a subtle nuance warmer or colder, makes no difference; we still look at the colour and conceive it as being green.

Never give up on what you believe in, and in time the world around you will start doing the same.

Be surrounded by positive people.

We’ve all been there, that painful place that can make you feel resentful, especially after being exposed to negativity and cruelty.

It can be hard to stay positive in a world that’s full of haters, but we’re not going to let the negativity of some miserable individuals drag us down with them. The social platforms we spend so much time on are full of those whose mission is to tear others down. Remember, that the best revenge is sticking together and spreading positive vibes into these dark corners of the world. These miserable trolls don’t deserve our attention!

In order to succeed in both your personal and professional life, it’s crucial to find positivity. Surround yourself with people who are in a good emotional state, because positivity leads to happiness, which leads to a happy life.

Listen to what others have to say. You may learn something.

Listening is a key skill in any business. It’s one of the most important skills to have if you want to be successful in your career and your life.

Listening is not just about hearing someone speak; it’s about understanding them and taking their point of view into account so that you can have a meaningful conversation. You will never stop learning from listening to others.

Be focused and organised.

Keep your mind clutter-free and clear. We spoke about it before and how to keep a calm composure without letting the old thoughts disturb you.

You know that you are at your best when your mind and environment are in sync, so be sure to create favourable conditions for yourself. Doing so will make it easier to stay organised.

You’ll be surprised how much of a difference it makes to live a more organised life. One of the best ways to do so is by creating a list of tasks that need to be completed daily, weekly and monthly. This can be very helpful to assure that you are not forgetting anything and you will have a clear idea of what needs to be done.

“Setting goals helps us stay motivated and not get distracted. It helps to remember what we need to do in order to reach our goals.”

The devil’s in the details.

The world is competitive, so it’s important to ensure that you’re producing high-quality work. Don’t just cut corners when producing your work; pay attention to detail and ensure that the standards of quality are up to scratch.

I’ve been told that people don’t appreciate my attention to detail, and while that may be true for some, but I believe that in today’s fast-moving world and throwaway culture, quality has its place and its worth. Ultimately, that’s what people will appreciate.

Be ready for change.

Recently, I came across a discussion with RuPaul ( I am a huge fan by the way ), and the conversation was about change. He talked about all the stuff we are surrounded by and how inevitable it is to face circumstances that require actions to adapt. You have to be prepared to fully embrace new opportunities that make themselves available to you and be ready for change. He compared it by doing an inventory on your inside. Identify what has been working for you, and get rid of the heavy burden that holds you back from ever moving forward. Remember, with time comes change, and change is an opportunity to take control and create a better version of yourself.

Old habits are often difficult to break, and change can feel strange. When you need to update your workflow, you might not know how or when — but it’s worth taking the time to figure that out. Knowing when something needs to change is key, and accepting what new possibilities could be coming next is also important.

We all have those things in our lives that we cling onto — whether they are good or bad, they hold a special place in our hearts. It can be hard letting go of them, but sometimes it is necessary — especially if it is holding us back from moving forward in life or if it’s just taking up too much space in our lives without giving anything back.

Be thankful.

Don’t allow yourself to be consumed by envy, jealousy, or resentment. Be grateful for what you have and work hard to position yourself in the best possible light.

Keeping a gratitude journal, focusing on what you are thankful for, and reflecting on your life goals will make you happier. The more positive thoughts you allow yourself to have, the easier it’ll be to feel content with your current state.

“Dry to write down three things each day that you are particularly grateful for or what has been a remarkable achievement for you on this day. You’ll recognise and appreciate your life and learn to accept your worth by doing so. Once you fully accept who you are and what you can accomplish, you will find happiness. The simpler of the simple can be:

“I am grateful for my family, friends, health, and the fact that I have a roof over my head.”

Create a sense of calm and space to relax.

It can be challenging to find the time to do this, but it is so important to remember that we should be working on creating a sense of calm and peace each and every day. This will help us focus on what is truly important in our lives, prioritise things more efficiently, and get more done with less wasted time.

A little meditation or even taking a power nap, if time allows it, can go a long way. It helps to provide you with more energy and make you more productive.

I’ve mentioned throughout this article how important it is to try to keep your mind at peace. I know it may sound repetitive, but believe me, it’s not just a cliché. You need to let your brain rest.

Reading is a great activity to find inspiration and motivation.

Reading a piece of writing by someone who inspires you or something that makes you ponder can feel like an escape. It will give your mind a chance to think in new ways and embrace change.

When I get bored or need a break to take my mind off of things, reading an inspiring book or even just a positive quote is what does the trick to break the cycle of sameness.